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Cheese Platter Recipe

Cheese Platter Recipe

A cheese platter is the perfect way to bring a touch of elegance to any gathering, offering a delightful mix of flavors and textures that everyone will love. With a variety of cheeses and accompaniments, it's both visually stunning and irresistibly delicious.
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Course: Appetizer
Cuisine: European
Keyword: Cheese Platter Recipe
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 8 people


  • Crackers or crostini
  • Blue cheese: Gorgonzola Roquefort, or Stilton
  • Semi-hard cheese: Cheddar Gouda, or Havarti
  • Hard cheese: Parmesan Manchego, or Pecorino
  • Soft cheese: Goat cheese Brie, or Camembert
  • Fresh or dried fruit
  • Olives tapenade, or pepperoncini peppers
  • Nuts: Almonds pecans, walnuts, or pistachios
  • Honey or jam


  • Arrange your cheeses on the platter, allowing them to sit at room temperature for around 30 minutes before serving to bring out their full flavors. Crumble large chunks of blue cheese and Parmesan using a fork for a rustic presentation. Fan out slices of semi-hard cheeses like cheddar across a section of the board, while brie and soft cheeses can be cut into wedges or left whole for visual contrast.
  • Fill small bowls with items like tapenade, olives, honey, or jam, and nestle them onto the board. Add vibrant splashes of color by filling open spaces with a variety of fresh or dried fruit. Scatter your selection of crackers or crostini and nuts in small groups throughout the display.
  • Set out small spoons or serving tools in each bowl and place cheese knives near their corresponding cheeses. Scan the board for any empty spots and fill them with extra fruit or nuts. For a finishing touch, drizzle honey over a portion of the soft cheese. Your platter is now ready to serve!