Stir the batter to reincorporate the settled flour when ready to bake. Let it rest for 5 minutes to settle again. Line a baking tin with parchment paper and pour the batter through a sieve into the prepared tin.
Place a hot plate over medium heat (~180°C) and cover it with a layer of foil to diffuse the heat. Place the baking tin on the hot plate and cook for 90 minutes. In the first 10–15 minutes, bubbles should appear in the batter. If not, slightly increase the heat. Continue cooking until the edges are crisp and the top stops bubbling but remains slightly wet.
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Transfer the baking tin to the oven and bake for 2–3 minutes until the top is golden and spongy.
Remove from the oven and allow the cake to cool in the tin. Once cooled, take it out, remove the parchment paper, slice, and serve. Enjoy this unique and aromatic treat!