Zucchini Fritters Recipe

Zucchini fritters are a delightful and versatile dish that can serve as an appetizer, snack, or even a light meal. These crispy, golden patties are packed with flavor and nutrition, making them a favorite among both adults and children. Whether you’re looking to use up an abundance of zucchini or simply want to try a new and exciting recipe, zucchini fritters are a fantastic choice.

One of the best things about zucchini fritters is their versatility. You can serve them with a variety of dips, add different herbs and spices to the batter, or even incorporate other vegetables. They are relatively easy to make and can be prepared ahead of time, making them a convenient option for busy days.

Zucchini Fritters Recipe
Zucchini Fritters Recipe

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Ingredients Needed

Zucchini: The star ingredient of this recipe is zucchini. When selecting zucchini, look for firm, dark green ones with smooth skin. Smaller zucchinis are preferable as they tend to be more tender and have fewer seeds. Freshness is key, so try to use zucchini that is as fresh as possible.

Batter Ingredients: The batter for these fritters includes a large egg, finely sliced green onions, grated parmesan (which can be either fresh or store-bought), a minced large garlic clove, flour, baking powder, and a pinch of pepper. Each ingredient plays an important role. The egg helps bind the mixture, green onions add a mild onion flavor, parmesan provides a salty, umami taste, and garlic adds depth of flavor. The flour and baking powder give structure and lightness to the fritters, while the pepper adds a hint of spice.

For Serving: These fritters are delicious when served with a dollop of yogurt or sour cream and extra chopped green onions. The cool, creamy yogurt or sour cream contrasts beautifully with the warm, crispy fritters, and the green onions add a fresh, tangy bite.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Preparing the Zucchini: Start by grating the zucchini diagonally using a box grater. Grating diagonally ensures you get long, thin strands, which help create a better texture in the fritters. After grating, transfer the zucchini to a bowl, sprinkle with salt, and mix well. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes. The salt helps draw out excess moisture from the zucchini. Afterward, squeeze out the excess water using your hands or by bundling the zucchini in a tea towel. This step is crucial to prevent the fritters from becoming too wet and mushy.

Making the Batter: Once the zucchini is prepared, add the egg, green onions, parmesan, and garlic to the bowl. Stir to combine the ingredients thoroughly. Gradually scatter the flour and baking powder over the mixture, avoiding dumping it all in one spot. Add a pinch of pepper. Mix until the flour is just incorporated; the batter should be thick yet soft. This ensures that the fritters hold together well during cooking but remain tender inside.

Cooking the Fritters: Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a non-stick pan over medium-high heat. If your stove is particularly strong, use medium heat to avoid burning the fritters. Drop 1/4 cup of batter into the pan, using an ice cream scoop for consistent size. Cook 3 or 4 fritters at a time, flattening each mound lightly with a spatula to about 1 cm thick. Cook for about 3 minutes until the bottom is a deep golden color. Adjust the heat if they are browning too quickly. Flip and cook the other side for another 3 minutes. Transfer the cooked fritters to a tray in a preheated oven (200F/100C) to keep warm while you cook the remaining batter.

Recipe Tips & Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to Keep Fritters Crispy: To maintain the crispy texture, make sure to squeeze out as much water as possible from the zucchini. Also, avoid overcrowding the pan, which can lower the temperature and cause the fritters to steam rather than fry.
  • Common Mistakes to Avoid: One common mistake is not draining the zucchini properly, which can result in soggy fritters. Another is using too high or too low heat, leading to either burnt or undercooked fritters.
  • Storage and Reheating Tips: Store leftover fritters in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in a hot oven or skillet to retain their crispiness.
  • Can I Make These Ahead of Time?: Yes, you can make the batter ahead of time and store it in the refrigerator for up to a day. Cooked fritters can also be stored and reheated as mentioned above.
  • What If My Fritters Are Too Wet?: If the batter seems too wet, add a bit more flour to help bind it. Ensure you’ve squeezed out as much moisture from the zucchini as possible.
  • Can I Bake These Instead of Frying?: Yes, you can bake them at 400F/200C for about 15-20 minutes, flipping halfway through, until they are golden and crispy.

What to Serve with This Recipe

Complementary Dishes: Zucchini fritters pair well with a variety of side dishes. Consider serving them with a fresh garden salad, roasted vegetables, or a grain salad for a complete meal.

Dipping Sauces: In addition to yogurt or sour cream, try serving these fritters with a spicy aioli, tzatziki, or a tangy marinara sauce. The variety of dips can enhance the flavor and provide a different taste experience with each bite.

Beverage Pairings: A crisp white wine, such as Sauvignon Blanc, or a light beer pairs wonderfully with zucchini fritters. For non-alcoholic options, a sparkling water with a splash of lemon or a chilled iced tea complements the dish nicely.

Variations and Substitutions

Making it Gluten-Free: To make these fritters gluten-free, substitute the regular flour with a gluten-free flour blend. Ensure that the baking powder you use is also gluten-free.

Adding Extra Flavor: Experiment with different spices and herbs to add extra flavor to your fritters. Fresh dill, parsley, or mint can provide a unique twist. Adding a pinch of chili flakes or cumin can introduce a new layer of complexity.

Alternative Vegetables: While zucchini is the main ingredient, you can also try using other vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, or a mix of your favorite veggies. The method remains the same, but the flavors will vary, offering new and exciting variations of this recipe.

Zucchini fritters are a delightful dish that brings together simplicity and flavor. Their versatility and ease of preparation make them a go-to recipe for any occasion. Whether you’re serving them as an appetizer, snack, or part of a main meal, they are sure to impress. Give this recipe a try, and don’t hesitate to experiment with variations and share your results. Enjoy the crispy, savory goodness of homemade zucchini fritters!

Zucchini Fritters Recipe
Zucchini Fritters Recipe


500 g/1 lb zucchini (2 medium, about 23cm/9″ long)
1 tsp salt
1 large egg
2 green onions, finely sliced
1/4 cup grated parmesan (fresh or store-bought)
1 large garlic clove, minced
1/2 cup / 75 g flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
Pinch of pepper
4 tbsp olive oil, divided

For Serving
Yogurt or sour cream
Extra chopped green onions



  1. Grate the zucchini diagonally using a box grater to get long strands.
  2. Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with salt, and mix well. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Squeeze out the excess water using your hands or by bundling it in a tea towel. Place the zucchini back into the bowl.


  1. Preheat your oven to 200F/100C to keep the fritters warm. Place a rack on a tray to help them stay crispy.
  2. Add the egg, green onions, parmesan, and garlic to the zucchini. Stir to combine.
  3. Gradually scatter the flour and baking powder over the mixture, avoiding dumping it all in one spot. Add a pinch of pepper. Mix until the flour is just incorporated; the batter should be thick yet soft.


  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a non-stick pan over medium-high heat (use medium if your stove is particularly strong). Drop 1/4 cup of batter into the pan (an ice cream scoop works perfectly). Cook 3 or 4 fritters at a time.
  2. Lightly flatten each mound with a spatula to about 1cm / 4/5″ thick.
  3. Cook for about 3 minutes until the bottom is a deep golden color. Adjust the heat if they are browning too quickly. Flip and cook the other side for another 3 minutes. Transfer the cooked fritters to the tray in the oven to keep warm.
  4. Repeat with the remaining batter.
  5. Serve immediately with a dollop of yogurt or sour cream and garnish with extra chopped green onions, if desired.
Zucchini Fritters Recipe

Zucchini Fritters Recipe

If you enjoy fritters that are crispy on the outside and perfectly moist on the inside, you'll absolutely LOVE these Zucchini Fritters! The secret to achieving that extra crispness and delightful flavor is a hint of parmesan.
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Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: Mediterranean
Keyword: Zucchini Fritters Recipe
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 11 minutes
Total Time: 26 minutes
Servings: 6 servings


  • 500 g/1 lb zucchini 2 medium, about 23cm/9″ long
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 large egg
  • 2 green onions finely sliced
  • 1/4 cup grated parmesan fresh or store-bought
  • 1 large garlic clove minced
  • 1/2 cup / 75 g flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • Pinch of pepper
  • 4 tbsp olive oil divided

For Serving

  • Yogurt or sour cream
  • Extra chopped green onions


For Zucchini:

  • Grate the zucchini diagonally using a box grater to get long strands.
  • Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with salt, and mix well. Let it sit for at least 10 minutes.
  • Squeeze out the excess water using your hands or by bundling it in a tea towel. Place the zucchini back into the bowl.


  • Preheat your oven to 200F/100C to keep the fritters warm. Place a rack on a tray to help them stay crispy.
  • Add the egg, green onions, parmesan, and garlic to the zucchini. Stir to combine.
  • Gradually scatter the flour and baking powder over the mixture, avoiding dumping it all in one spot. Add a pinch of pepper. Mix until the flour is just incorporated; the batter should be thick yet soft.


  • Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a non-stick pan over medium-high heat (use medium if your stove is particularly strong). Drop 1/4 cup of batter into the pan (an ice cream scoop works perfectly). Cook 3 or 4 fritters at a time.
  • Lightly flatten each mound with a spatula to about 1cm / 4/5″ thick.
  • Cook for about 3 minutes until the bottom is a deep golden color. Adjust the heat if they are browning too quickly. Flip and cook the other side for another 3 minutes. Transfer the cooked fritters to the tray in the oven to keep warm.
  • Repeat with the remaining batter.
  • Serve immediately with a dollop of yogurt or sour cream and garnish with extra chopped green onions, if desired.


  • Batter Consistency: Achieving the right batter consistency is crucial for perfect fritters. If the batter is too runny, add a bit more flour to avoid soggy fritters. If it’s too thick, add a small amount of water. The consistency depends on how juicy the zucchini is and how well you’ve removed the water. I usually squeeze the zucchini with my hands, leaving some moisture to contribute to the batter’s texture.
  • Adaptations: This recipe is adapted from Simply Recipes via Smitten Kitchen. I’ve added parmesan for extra crispiness and flavor, and garlic because it enhances every savory dish in my kitchen.
  • Flavor Profile: Zucchini has a mild flavor, so it’s not the dominant taste in these fritters. The overall flavor is savory with a subtle hint of zucchini. The golden crust provides much of the flavor. If you salt the zucchini and use parmesan, additional salt in the batter is unnecessary. However, if you skip the parmesan, add a pinch of salt to the batter.
  • Reheating: Fritters are best served fresh, but if you need to reheat leftovers, place them on a rack in a very hot oven (250C/480F) or as high as your oven will go for 5 minutes. Alternatively, re-crisp and rewarm them by pan-frying lightly in a bit of oil.
  • Nutrition: Each fritter (from a batch of 6 large ones) has its nutritional value calculated, assuming that 3 out of the 4 tablespoons of oil are absorbed during cooking.
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