Turon Recipe

Turon, a beloved Filipino snack or dessert, is a delightful fusion of sweetness and crunch. This dish features ripe bananas, typically saba or plantains, and slices of ripe jackfruit, all wrapped in a crispy lumpia wrapper and fried to golden perfection. What makes Turon so appealing is its simplicity—just a handful of ingredients and a few easy steps lead to a treat that is both satisfying and irresistible.

Turon Recipe
Turon Recipe

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Ingredients Overview

The key to a delicious Turon lies in the quality of its ingredients. Ripe bananas, particularly the saba variety, are essential for the right texture and flavor. These bananas are starchy and sweet, making them perfect for frying. The inclusion of ripe jackfruit adds a layer of tropical sweetness and a slightly chewy texture, complementing the soft bananas beautifully. Lumpia wrappers, thin and crisp when fried, serve as the ideal casing, holding the fruit together while providing that much-loved crunch. Lastly, sugar and cooking oil are the simple yet crucial components that turn this dish into a caramelized delight.

Step-by-Step Preparation

Creating Turon is as straightforward as it is rewarding. Begin by thoroughly coating each banana half in sugar, ensuring an even layer that will caramelize beautifully when fried. This step is crucial for achieving the signature sweet crust that makes Turon so special.

Next, place the sugared banana onto a lumpia wrapper, followed by a slice of ripe jackfruit. The combination of these two fruits creates a symphony of flavors, with the rich, dense banana contrasting perfectly with the lighter, fragrant jackfruit. Fold the lumpia wrapper carefully, making sure to seal the edges with a little water. This ensures that the filling stays intact during frying, allowing the flavors to meld together inside a crisp, golden shell.

For the frying process, heat your cooking oil until it’s hot enough to start caramelizing sugar. Adding a bit of sugar to the oil creates a caramel layer that will coat the Turon as it fries, adding an extra layer of sweetness and texture. Fry the wrapped bananas until they turn golden brown and the sugar has formed a crispy, caramelized crust. The end result should be a perfectly cooked Turon with a crispy exterior and a warm, gooey interior.

Turon Recipe
Turon Recipe

Recipe Tips

Choosing the Right Bananas:
For the best results, select bananas that are ripe but not overly soft. Saba bananas are ideal due to their firm texture, which holds up well during frying. A banana that is too ripe may become mushy and lose its shape.

Perfecting the Caramelization:
To achieve the ideal caramel coating, make sure the sugar in the oil has dissolved and started to brown before adding the wrapped bananas. Be cautious not to overheat the sugar, as it can burn quickly, resulting in a bitter taste.

Alternative Fillings:
While jackfruit is traditional, you can experiment with other fillings such as sweetened coconut, chocolate, or even a smear of nut butter for a unique twist. These variations can add a new dimension to the classic Turon.

What to Serve With This Recipe

Turon is versatile enough to be enjoyed on its own, but pairing it with complementary dips and beverages can elevate the experience.

Pairing with Dips:
For an extra touch of indulgence, serve Turon with a side of caramel sauce or sweetened condensed milk. The rich, creamy dips contrast beautifully with the crispy texture of the Turon, adding another layer of flavor.

Complementary Beverages:
A hot beverage like tea or coffee pairs wonderfully with the sweetness of Turon, balancing the flavors and making it a perfect afternoon snack.

Serving as a Dessert or Snack:
Turon is incredibly versatile and can be served as a dessert after a meal or as a satisfying snack any time of the day. Its sweetness and satisfying crunch make it a favorite for any occasion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Make Turon Ahead of Time?
Yes, you can prepare Turon ahead of time. To keep it fresh, store it in an airtight container and reheat it in the oven to regain its crispiness.

What Can I Use Instead of Lumpia Wrappers?
If you don’t have lumpia wrappers, spring roll wrappers are a good alternative. They are slightly thicker and may result in a different texture, but they will still provide a satisfying crunch.

How Do I Prevent the Wrapper from Getting Soggy?
To maintain the crispiness of the wrapper, make sure the oil is hot enough before frying, and avoid overcrowding the pan, which can lower the oil temperature and lead to soggy Turon.

Presentation Ideas

When it comes to serving Turon, presentation can make all the difference.

Plating Suggestions:
Stack the Turon pieces on a plate, drizzle them with caramel, and add a sprinkle of powdered sugar for a visually appealing presentation. You can also serve them in a decorative basket lined with banana leaves for an authentic touch.

Garnishing Tips:
A light dusting of powdered sugar or a sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds can enhance both the flavor and appearance of Turon. These simple garnishes add a touch of elegance to this humble snack.

Turon is a sweet, crispy treat that’s easy to make and even easier to enjoy. Its combination of caramelized sugar, soft bananas, and crispy lumpia wrapper creates a dessert or snack that is both comforting and delicious. Whether you’re serving it to guests or enjoying it as a personal indulgence, Turon is a dish that never fails to delight. Try making it at home, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different fillings and serving ideas to make it your own.

Turon Recipe
Turon Recipe


2 cups cooking oil
12 pieces lumpia wrappers
6 pieces bananas (saba or plantains), halved lengthwise
1 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup ripe jackfruit, sliced


Coat each banana half in sugar, ensuring they are well-covered.

Place the sugared banana onto a lumpia wrapper, then top it with a slice of ripe jackfruit.

Carefully fold the lumpia wrapper around the banana and jackfruit, using a dab of water to seal the edges securely.

In a pan, heat the cooking oil and add some sugar, allowing it to caramelize until it floats to the surface.

Gently add the wrapped bananas to the hot oil, frying them until the wrappers are golden and crisp, with the caramelized sugar clinging to the surface.

Serve these sweet, crispy treats hot as a delightful dessert or snack. Enjoy the rich flavors!

Turon Recipe

Turon Recipe

Experience the perfect blend of sweetness and crunch with Turon, a beloved Filipino treat that transforms simple ingredients into a delightful snack or dessert.
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Course: Dessert, Snack
Cuisine: Filipino
Keyword: Turon Recipe
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Servings: 12 Pieces


  • 2 cups cooking oil
  • 12 pieces lumpia wrappers
  • 6 pieces bananas saba or plantains, halved lengthwise
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 1 cup ripe jackfruit sliced


  • Coat each banana half in sugar, ensuring they are well-covered.
  • Place the sugared banana onto a lumpia wrapper, then top it with a slice of ripe jackfruit.
  • Carefully fold the lumpia wrapper around the banana and jackfruit, using a dab of water to seal the edges securely.
  • In a pan, heat the cooking oil and add some sugar, allowing it to caramelize until it floats to the surface.
  • Gently add the wrapped bananas to the hot oil, frying them until the wrappers are golden and crisp, with the caramelized sugar clinging to the surface.
  • Serve these sweet, crispy treats hot as a delightful dessert or snack. Enjoy the rich flavors!

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