Gingerbread Sourdough Donuts Recipe

Gingerbread Sourdough Donuts are a delightful fusion of festive gingerbread flavors and the unique tang of sourdough. These donuts are not your average holiday treat; they combine the depth of traditional spices with the complexity of a sourdough starter, creating a culinary masterpiece perfect for any festive occasion. The use of a sourdough starter not only adds a distinctive taste but also ensures a light, airy texture that elevates these donuts above standard fare.

Gingerbread Sourdough Donuts Recipe
Gingerbread Sourdough Donuts Recipe

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Ingredients and Preparation

The magic of these donuts lies in the careful preparation of each component, from the stiff levain to the rich caramel glaze.

Stiff Levain

Creating a stiff levain is essential for building the foundation of these donuts. A stiff levain, made from active sourdough starter, water, and bread flour, is more robust and less hydrated than a regular sourdough starter, providing the necessary structure and strength for the dough. To prepare it, mix the sourdough starter, water, and flour in a bowl, cover, and let proof at around 78°F (26°C) for 8-10 hours, or until it has at least doubled in size.

Main Dough

The main dough comprises a harmonious blend of ingredients. The detailed list includes bread flour, sugar, salt, ground cinnamon, ground ginger, ground cloves, cold whole milk, eggs, stiff levain, and unsalted butter. Begin by combining all ingredients except the butter in your stand mixer with a dough hook, creating a shaggy dough. After a brief rest period for autolyse, knead the dough until it starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl, then gradually incorporate the softened butter for a rich, smooth consistency. Proofing in a warm place ensures the dough develops the desired texture and flavor.

Caramel Glaze

The caramel glaze is the crowning glory of these donuts, adding a decadent touch. This glaze requires sugar, water, unsalted butter, whipping cream, and sea salt. Begin by boiling sugar and water without stirring to prevent crystallization, then carefully incorporate butter and cream to create a smooth, luscious glaze.


For frying, you’ll need two liters of frying oil and, optionally, crushed gingerbread cookies for garnish. The choice of oil is crucial; a high smoke point oil like vegetable or canola oil ensures even frying and a crisp exterior.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Making the Stiff Levain
To begin, mix the sourdough starter, water, and flour in a bowl. Cover and proof at around 78°F (26°C) for 8-10 hours, allowing it to double in size. This process enhances the flavor and strength of your dough.

Preparing the Main Dough
Combine the main dough ingredients in your stand mixer, except for the butter. Knead into a shaggy dough and let it rest for 30 minutes. Continue kneading until the dough starts to pull away from the bowl. Gradually add the cubed, softened butter while mixing at medium speed until the dough passes the window-pane test. Transfer to a clean bowl, cover, and proof in a warm place for six hours before cold-proofing in the fridge for 6-8 hours.

Shaping the Donuts
Divide the dough into 15 equal pieces and roll them into seamless rounds. Place on floured parchment paper squares on baking trays, loosely covered with plastic wrap. Proof in a warm environment for 10-14 hours until doubled in size.

Frying the Donuts
Heat the oil in a Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed pot to 355°F-365°F (180°C-185°C). Carefully fry the donuts for about 1.5 minutes on each side, ensuring they achieve an even, golden-brown color. Use a slotted spoon to transfer the fried donuts to a cooling rack lined with paper towels.

Caramel Glaze Perfection

Creating the Caramel Glaze
Combine sugar and water in a stainless steel pot and bring to a boil without stirring. Allow the mixture to reach a light golden color before lowering the heat and adding cubed butter. Gradually add whipping cream, stirring between additions, and boil for about a minute. Remove from heat, stir in sea salt, and let the glaze cool to room temperature.

Glazing the Donuts
Dip each donut into the caramel glaze, ensuring an even coating. For an added festive touch, sprinkle with crushed gingerbread cookies.

Recipe Tips & Frequently Asked Questions

Recipe Tips

1. Use an active sourdough starter for the best results.
2. Ensure your dough passes the window-pane test for optimal texture.
3. Maintain consistent proofing temperatures for even fermentation.
4. Store donuts in an airtight container to keep them fresh.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I make the dough in advance and freeze it? Yes, freeze the shaped donuts after proofing and fry them directly from frozen.
2. How do I know if my dough is properly proofed? The dough should be doubled in size and spring back slowly when poked.
3. What if I don’t have a dough proofer? Use your oven with the light on and the door slightly open.
4. Can I substitute ingredients for dietary restrictions? Yes, use dairy-free milk and butter or gluten-free flour as needed.

What to Serve With This Recipe

Pair these donuts with a cup of hot coffee or spiced tea to complement the gingerbread flavors. They make a delightful addition to a holiday breakfast or brunch spread, alongside fresh fruit and a savory egg dish. For dessert, serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a drizzle of extra caramel glaze.

Making Gingerbread Sourdough Donuts is a rewarding endeavor that brings together the rich, festive flavors of gingerbread with the tangy complexity of sourdough. With careful attention to each step, you’ll create donuts that are not only delicious but also a stunning addition to any holiday celebration. Share this recipe with friends and family, and explore other festive treats to make your season even brighter.

Gingerbread Sourdough Donuts Recipe
Gingerbread Sourdough Donuts Recipe


Stiff Levain
38 g active sourdough starter, 100% hydration
38 g water
76 g bread flour

Main Dough
75 g unsalted butter, room temperature, cubed
110-140 g cold whole milk
7 g salt
152 g stiff levain
75 g sugar
100 g eggs (approx. 2 eggs)
390 g bread flour or 50/50 bread flour/all-purpose flour
1 tsp ground cinnamon
⅛ tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground ginger

Caramel Glaze
200 g sugar
100 g unsalted butter, room temperature, cubed
200 g whipping cream, room temperature
75 g water
1 tsp sea salt


2 liters frying oil
Crushed gingerbread cookies (optional)


Stiff Levain

  1. Combine the sourdough starter, water, and flour in a bowl. Cover and proof at approximately 78°F (26°C) for 8-10 hours, until at least doubled in size.

Main Dough

  1. In the bowl of your stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine all ingredients except for the butter. Mix into a shaggy dough for 1-2 minutes. Cover and let rest/autolyse for 30 minutes.
  2. After the autolyse, continue mixing for 5-10 minutes until the dough starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl.
  3. Gradually add the cubed, softened butter while continuing to mix at medium speed for 10-25 minutes. Perform the window-pane test to ensure dough readiness.
  4. Transfer the dough to a clean bowl, cover, and let proof in a warm place (75-78°F/24-26°C) for 6 hours. If you don’t have a dough proofer, place the dough in the oven with the light on and the door slightly open.
  5. After 6 hours, transfer the dough to the fridge to cold-proof for 6-8 hours.


  1. Divide the dough into 15 equal pieces (60 g each) and roll them into seamless rounds. Place the shaped donuts on baking trays lined with floured parchment paper squares (5 in/12 cm). Loosely cover the trays with plastic wrap.
  2. Proof the donuts in the oven with the light on and the door slightly open (or in a proofer box) for 10-14 hours until they’ve doubled in size.

Caramel Glaze

  1. In a stainless steel pot, combine sugar and water. Bring to a boil over medium heat without stirring to prevent crystallization.
  2. Let the mixture boil until it turns a light golden color, about 6 minutes. You can gently swirl the pan and use a wet pastry brush to wash down the sides if needed.
  3. Lower the heat and add cubed butter, stirring to combine.
  4. Gradually add the whipping cream, stirring between additions, and allow the caramel to boil for about 1 minute.
  5. Remove from heat and stir in the sea salt. Transfer to a bowl and let cool at room temperature.

Fry The Donuts

  1. Once the donuts have doubled in size, use a floured 1.2 inch (3 cm) cookie cutter or the back of a large piping tip to remove the centers.
  2. Heat oil in a Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed pot to 355°F-365°F (180°C-185°C), using a thermometer to maintain temperature.
  3. Carefully lower the donuts into the hot oil, frying them for about 1.5 minutes on each side. Remove with a metal slotted spoon and transfer to a cooling rack lined with paper towels.
  4. Repeat with remaining donuts and donut holes.


  1. Dip each donut into the caramel glaze and, if desired, top with crushed gingerbread cookies for added texture and flavor.
Gingerbread Sourdough Donuts Recipe

Gingerbread Sourdough Donuts Recipe

These gingerbread sourdough donuts, draped in luscious salted caramel glaze, are the epitome of holiday indulgence. Their irresistible aroma will fill your home with the enchanting scent of Christmas, making them the perfect festive treat.
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Course: Breakfast, Dessert, Snack
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Gingerbread Sourdough Donuts Recipe
Prep Time: 1 hour
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Proofing Time: 1 day 6 hours 30 minutes
Total Time: 1 day 8 hours
Servings: 15 Doughnuts


Stiff Levain

  • 38 g active sourdough starter 100% hydration
  • 38 g water
  • 76 g bread flour

Main Dough

  • 75 g unsalted butter room temperature, cubed
  • 110-140 g cold whole milk
  • 7 g salt
  • 152 g stiff levain
  • 75 g sugar
  • 100 g eggs approx. 2 eggs
  • 390 g bread flour or 50/50 bread flour/all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • tsp ground cloves
  • 1 tsp ground ginger

Caramel Glaze

  • 200 g sugar
  • 100 g unsalted butter room temperature, cubed
  • 200 g whipping cream room temperature
  • 75 g water
  • 1 tsp sea salt


  • 2 liters frying oil
  • Crushed gingerbread cookies optional


Stiff Levain

  • Combine the sourdough starter, water, and flour in a bowl. Cover and proof at approximately 78°F (26°C) for 8-10 hours, until at least doubled in size.

Main Dough

  • In the bowl of your stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, combine all ingredients except for the butter. Mix into a shaggy dough for 1-2 minutes. Cover and let rest/autolyse for 30 minutes.
  • After the autolyse, continue mixing for 5-10 minutes until the dough starts to pull away from the sides of the bowl.
  • Gradually add the cubed, softened butter while continuing to mix at medium speed for 10-25 minutes. Perform the window-pane test to ensure dough readiness.
  • Transfer the dough to a clean bowl, cover, and let proof in a warm place (75-78°F/24-26°C) for 6 hours. If you don’t have a dough proofer, place the dough in the oven with the light on and the door slightly open.
  • After 6 hours, transfer the dough to the fridge to cold-proof for 6-8 hours.


  • Divide the dough into 15 equal pieces (60 g each) and roll them into seamless rounds. Place the shaped donuts on baking trays lined with floured parchment paper squares (5 in/12 cm). Loosely cover the trays with plastic wrap.
  • Proof the donuts in the oven with the light on and the door slightly open (or in a proofer box) for 10-14 hours until they’ve doubled in size.

Caramel Glaze

  • In a stainless steel pot, combine sugar and water. Bring to a boil over medium heat without stirring to prevent crystallization.
  • Let the mixture boil until it turns a light golden color, about 6 minutes. You can gently swirl the pan and use a wet pastry brush to wash down the sides if needed.
  • Lower the heat and add cubed butter, stirring to combine.
  • Gradually add the whipping cream, stirring between additions, and allow the caramel to boil for about 1 minute.
  • Remove from heat and stir in the sea salt. Transfer to a bowl and let cool at room temperature.

Fry The Donuts

  • Once the donuts have doubled in size, use a floured 1.2 inch (3 cm) cookie cutter or the back of a large piping tip to remove the centers.
  • Heat oil in a Dutch oven or heavy-bottomed pot to 355°F-365°F (180°C-185°C), using a thermometer to maintain temperature.
  • Carefully lower the donuts into the hot oil, frying them for about 1.5 minutes on each side. Remove with a metal slotted spoon and transfer to a cooling rack lined with paper towels.
  • Repeat with remaining donuts and donut holes.


  • Dip each donut into the caramel glaze and, if desired, top with crushed gingerbread cookies for added texture and flavor.
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