Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

Fried green tomatoes stand as a beloved classic in many kitchens around the world, adored for their simple yet delectable approach to transforming unripe tomatoes into a gourmet delight. These crispy, golden-brown slices are celebrated across various cuisines, bringing a unique texture and savory flavor that make them a versatile and enticing dish.

Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe
Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

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Essential Ingredients

To embark on this culinary journey, you will need ½ cup of milk, a quart of vegetable oil for frying, ½ cup of cornmeal, two eggs, ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper, ½ cup of bread crumbs, four large green tomatoes, two teaspoons of coarse kosher salt, and 1 cup of all-purpose flour. These ingredients meld together to create a crispy coating and lush, tangy interior. For those with dietary restrictions, gluten-free flour can replace all-purpose flour, and almond milk is a great substitute for cow’s milk, ensuring everyone can enjoy this tasty treat.

Step-by-Step Cooking Instructions

Begin by organizing your cooking space with all the ingredients. Slice the tomatoes into 1/2-inch thick rounds, discarding the ends for uniform cooking. Prepare an egg wash by vigorously whisking the eggs with milk. Set flour on one plate and a mixture of cornmeal, bread crumbs, salt, and pepper on another. Coat each tomato slice first in flour, dip in the egg wash, and then generously dredge in the breadcrumb mix. Heat the oil in a deep skillet to 375 degrees F and fry the slices in batches, turning once, until each side is perfectly golden brown. Transfer them to a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.

Recipe Tips & Frequently Asked Questions

Selecting Tomatoes: Opt for firm, unripe green tomatoes, as they hold up better to frying and provide the desired tanginess.

Even Frying: Maintain oil temperature consistently for even cooking. If the oil cools down, wait until it reaches the right temperature again before continuing.

Breading Stays On: Ensure the flour coats the tomato slices lightly but completely before dipping into the egg wash to help the breading adhere without peeling off during frying.

Avoiding Soggy Tomatoes: Do not overcrowd the skillet; this keeps the oil temperature stable and ensures a crispier finish.

Best Oils for Frying: High-smoke-point oils like vegetable or peanut oil are ideal for achieving a crispy, golden texture without burning.

What to Serve With This Recipe

Fried green tomatoes can be served as a standalone snack or as part of a larger feast. They pair wonderfully with creamy dips such as remoulade or a simple buttermilk dressing. For a heartier meal, serve alongside grilled chicken or fish. These tomatoes also make a fantastic topping for burgers and sandwiches, providing a crunchy, flavorful contrast.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Should you encounter undercooked tomatoes, increase the frying time slightly, keeping a close watch to avoid burning the coating. If excess oil is an issue, ensure your oil is hot enough before frying, which helps the tomatoes absorb less grease. Adjusting the heat can also remedy uneven breading; if the breading falls off, ensure each slice is thoroughly coated in flour before proceeding with other layers.

Exploring the delightful world of fried green tomatoes opens up a realm of culinary creativity. Feel encouraged to tweak the spices in the breading or experiment with different dips. Share your cooking experiences and personal twists with fellow food enthusiasts, and relish the delicious outcomes of your kitchen experiments.

Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe
Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe


½ cup milk
1 quart vegetable oil for frying
½ cup cornmeal
2 eggs
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
½ cup bread crumbs
4 large green tomatoes
2 teaspoons coarse kosher salt
1 cup all-purpose flour


Step 1: Prepare your workspace by assembling all the necessary ingredients.

Step 2: Cut the tomatoes into 1/2-inch slices, removing the ends to ensure even cooking.

Step 3: Create an egg wash by vigorously whisking together the eggs and milk in a bowl of medium size. Place the flour on a separate plate. Combine the cornmeal, bread crumbs, salt, and pepper on another plate. Begin by coating each tomato slice in flour, followed by dipping them into the egg wash, and finally dredging them in the breadcrumb mixture to ensure a complete coat.

Step 4: Pour the vegetable oil into a large, deep skillet and heat to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Fry the tomato slices in small batches of 4 or 5 to avoid overcrowding, which ensures each slice is evenly crisped and golden brown. Carefully monitor and flip each slice once one side has achieved a golden hue.

Step 5: Once fried to perfection, transfer the tomato slices onto a plate lined with paper towels to absorb any excess oil.

Step 6: Serve the fried green tomatoes hot for the best flavor and texture. Enjoy them as a delicious appetizer or as a unique side dish.

Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe

On a balmy summer evening, relish the company of someone dear while savoring crispy fried green tomatoes paired perfectly with a refreshing glass of iced tea. This recipe also accommodates red tomatoes, but ensure they're not overly ripe to avoid a mushy texture.
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Course: Appetizer
Cuisine: Mexican
Keyword: Fried Green Tomatoes Recipe
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 4 people


  • ½ cup milk
  • 1 quart vegetable oil for frying
  • ½ cup cornmeal
  • 2 pcs eggs
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • ½ cup bread crumbs
  • 4 pcs large green tomatoes
  • 2 teaspoons coarse kosher salt
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour


  • Prepare your workspace by assembling all the necessary ingredients.
  • Cut the tomatoes into 1/2-inch slices, removing the ends to ensure even cooking.
  • Create an egg wash by vigorously whisking together the eggs and milk in a bowl of medium size. Place the flour on a separate plate. Combine the cornmeal, bread crumbs, salt, and pepper on another plate. Begin by coating each tomato slice in flour, followed by dipping them into the egg wash, and finally dredging them in the breadcrumb mixture to ensure a complete coat.
  • Pour the vegetable oil into a large, deep skillet and heat to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). Fry the tomato slices in small batches of 4 or 5 to avoid overcrowding, which ensures each slice is evenly crisped and golden brown. Carefully monitor and flip each slice once one side has achieved a golden hue.
  • Once fried to perfection, transfer the tomato slices onto a plate lined with paper towels to absorb any excess oil.
  • Serve the fried green tomatoes hot for the best flavor and texture. Enjoy them as a delicious appetizer or as a unique side dish


We’ve calculated the nutritional content of frying oil with a 10% retention value post-cooking. However, the precise amount can fluctuate due to factors such as cooking duration, temperature, ingredient density, and the particular oil variant utilized.
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