Chicken Piccata Recipe

Chicken Piccata is a classic Italian dish that effortlessly combines simplicity with explosive flavor, making it a favorite in kitchens worldwide. Characterized by its crisp, golden-brown chicken cutlets and a vibrant, tangy lemon-caper sauce, Chicken Piccata stands out for its delightful balance of flavors and textures. The main ingredients, including tender chicken breasts, tart lemon juice, and briny capers, each play pivotal roles in creating a dish that’s both comforting and elegant.

Chicken Piccata Recipe
Chicken Piccata Recipe

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Essential Ingredients Breakdown

The success of Chicken Piccata hinges on the quality and interplay of its ingredients. Butter adds richness, while the acidity from fresh lemon juice cuts through, offering a refreshing contrast. The capers introduce a burst of saltiness which complements the subtle bitterness of the lemon zest. High-quality chicken breasts are essential as they are the centerpiece of the dish; they should be fresh and preferably organic for the best flavor and texture. For those looking to tweak the recipe to their liking, consider using lime instead of lemon for a milder acidity or swapping the heavy cream for a lighter broth to reduce the dish’s richness.

Step-by-Step Cooking Process

Preparation of the chicken: Start by carefully slicing the chicken breasts lengthwise to create thin cutlets, which allows for even cooking and better sauce coverage. Seasoning is crucial; salt, pepper, and garlic powder not only enhance flavor but also help to achieve a golden crust when dredged in flour.
Cooking method: The chicken should be sautéed in a mixture of butter and olive oil until golden brown – this not only cooks the meat but also forms the foundation of the sauce with the delicious browned bits left in the pan.
Visual cues for perfect cooking: Look for a rich, golden color on the chicken and a sauce that lightly coats the back of a spoon. If the chicken releases easily from the pan, it’s a good sign that it’s perfectly cooked.

Recipe Tips

Achieving the perfect sear: Ensure the pan is hot before adding the chicken to avoid sticking and to get a beautiful crust.

Adjusting the thickness of the sauce: A cornstarch slurry can be added if the sauce is too thin, or extra broth can be incorporated if it’s too thick.

Balancing the flavors: The key is the lemon to caper ratio; adjust according to taste, adding more lemon for zest or more capers for saltiness.

Chicken Piccata Recipe
Chicken Piccata Recipe

Frequently Asked Questions

Storing and reheating: Store in airtight containers in the refrigerator and reheat gently on the stove.
Make ahead tips: Prepare the sauce in advance and simply reheat and add freshly cooked chicken when ready to serve.

Scaling up the recipe: Keep proportions the same but use a larger pan to avoid overcrowding, which can steam the chicken instead of sautéing it.

What to Serve With This Recipe

Chicken Piccata pairs wonderfully with light, starchy sides such as angel hair pasta or a crisp green salad. For wine enthusiasts, a chilled glass of Pinot Grigio complements the tangy caper sauce splendidly. Presentation for guests can be elevated by garnishing with extra lemon slices and a sprinkle of chopped parsley to add color and freshness.

Troubleshooting Common Mistakes

Avoid overcooking the chicken by keeping a close eye on it; chicken cutlets are thin and cook quickly. If the sauce is too runny, a sprinkle of flour can help thicken it without altering the flavor. When seasoning, start with less and adjust as needed, especially when using capers and Parmesan, as both add saltiness.

This Chicken Piccata recipe not only provides a delightful dinner option but also invites creativity. Experiment with different herbs or a splash of white wine in the sauce for added complexity. Encouraging personal twists and hearing about individual experiences can inspire further culinary exploration and sharing. Dive into this recipe, and don’t forget to share your delightful results and personal enhancements!

Chicken Piccata Recipe
Chicken Piccata Recipe
Chicken Piccata Recipe

Chicken Piccata Recipe

This simple chicken piccata recipe brings classic Italian American flavors to your table with its zesty lemon butter caper sauce. Quick to prepare, this dish requires just a few basic ingredients and 25 minutes of your time!
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Course: Dinner
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Chicken Piccata Recipe
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Servings: 4 people


  • 4 tablespoons butter divided
  • 1/2 cup heavy or whipping cream
  • 1/4 cup chicken broth or dry white wine
  • 2 large chicken breasts
  • Flour for dredging
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon brined capers drained
  • Optional garnishes: chopped parsley and/or freshly grated Parmesan cheese


  • Begin by slicing the chicken breasts in half lengthwise, effectively butterflying them, and then cut each half into two to form four thin cutlets. Remove any excess fat. Season the chicken liberally with salt and pepper and a dash of garlic powder. Dredge each piece in flour to coat it lightly.
  • Heat two tablespoons of butter along with the olive oil in a skillet over medium-high heat.
  • 3.Place the chicken in the hot skillet and sear each cutlet for approximately 4-5 minutes on each side, or until each piece is golden brown and crispy. Once cooked, transfer the chicken to a separate plate.
  • Remove the skillet from the heat and pour in the chicken broth or white wine. Add the lemon juice, lemon zest, capers, and the remaining butter to the skillet. Use a wooden spoon to scrape up the flavorful browned bits from the bottom of the pan.
  • Stir the cream into the sauce and return the skillet to the stove. Let the sauce come to a gentle simmer before reintroducing the chicken to the pan. For a lighter version, omit the cream and increase the chicken broth to 3/4 cup.
  • Allow the chicken to simmer in the sauce for about 5 more minutes, or until it is thoroughly cooked and the sauce has thickened to your preference. Adjust the heat as necessary to prevent the sauce from boiling too vigorously. If the sauce becomes too thick, thin it out with a little more broth.
  • Serve the chicken garnished with a sprinkle of fresh parsley and/or a dusting of Parmesan cheese, if using.


If you’re working with smaller chicken breasts, keep them whole, although they may require a slightly longer cooking time. If you prefer to avoid cream, it’s best to leave it out completely rather than substituting it with half-and-half, as the latter may cause the sauce to curdle and not thicken properly. Opt for low-sodium chicken broth if you’re watching your salt intake. Also, I highly recommend using this particular lemon zester.
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