Chicken Biryani Recipe

Chicken Biryani is not just a dish; it’s a celebration of aromas, flavors, and textures. This iconic meal, beloved across the globe, finds its roots in the royal kitchens of the Indian subcontinent. Characterized by its vibrant colors and rich blend of spices, Chicken Biryani tantalizes the palate with every bite, offering a delectable combination of tender chicken pieces and fluffy, fragrant rice.

Chicken Biryani Recipe
Chicken Biryani Recipe

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Essential Ingredients Breakdown

Creating the perfect Chicken Biryani begins with gathering quality ingredients. This recipe calls for boneless, skinless chicken, aromatic basmati rice, and a variety of fresh and dried spices including cardamom, cloves, and saffron. For those looking to modify the dish, lamb or beef can serve as excellent substitutes for chicken, and quinoa may replace rice for a healthier twist. The essence of Biryani lies in its spice mix—cumin, chili powder, turmeric, and ground cardamom are non-negotiable for achieving that authentic flavor.

Step-by-Step Cooking Process

Preparing the chicken: Start by marinating the chicken in a mixture of yogurt, ground spices, and herbs to infuse it with robust flavors and ensure its succulence.

Mastering the art of perfect Biryani rice: Wash the basmati rice thoroughly and soak it to achieve the signature light and fluffy texture. Fry it lightly with spices before cooking to enhance its aromatic properties.

Combining ingredients: Layering is critical in Biryani. Arrange the marinated chicken and partially cooked rice in layers, sprinkling each layer with fried onions, mint, and saffron-infused milk for added richness and flavor.

Recipe Tips

Ensure perfectly cooked rice: Rinse the rice several times until the water runs clear to eliminate excess starch, which prevents clumping.
Adjust spice levels: Start with milder spices and gradually add more according to taste, keeping the balance without overpowering the delicate flavors of the other ingredients.
Cooking tips: Whether you’re using a traditional pot or a modern non-stick pan, ensure a tight seal with aluminum foil under the lid to trap steam and allow the flavors to meld.

What to Serve With This Recipe

Enhance your Chicken Biryani experience with cooling side dishes such as cucumber raita or a simple kachumber salad. Complement the spices with a glass of lassi or a rose-scented sherbet to refresh the palate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Storing and reheating: Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Reheat gently, adding a little water if the rice seems dry.
Using a rice cooker: While traditional methods are recommended for authentic flavor, a rice cooker can be used for convenience. Adjust water ratios and settings to avoid mushy rice.
Common mistakes: Avoid using excessive water when cooking rice and ensure not to stir the Biryani too much as it can break the rice grains and disrupt the layers.

Customizing Your Biryani

For vegetarians, replace chicken with mixed vegetables, paneer, or tofu. Each regional variation, from Hyderabadi to Malabar, introduces unique elements like coconut milk or prunes, adapting the recipe to local tastes while preserving its essence.

Biryani is more than just a meal; it’s a journey through history and culture, a dish that has evolved but always retained its heart. Every cook brings their own touch to Biryani, making it a personal expression of culinary artistry. Embrace the process, experiment with ingredients, and most importantly, enjoy the delightful experience of cooking and sharing a beautiful, hearty meal.

Chicken Biryani Recipe
Chicken Biryani Recipe


3 pounds boneless, skinless chicken pieces, chopped
4 tablespoons divided vegetable oil
4 small potatoes, peeled and halved
2 large onions, finely chopped
1 large onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon fresh ginger root, minced
2 medium tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 pound basmati rice
2 ½ tablespoons vegetable oil
5 cardamom pods
3 whole cloves
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cumin
½ teaspoon chili powder
½ teaspoon black pepper, ground
½ teaspoon turmeric, ground
2 tablespoons plain yogurt
2 tablespoons fresh mint leaves, chopped
½ teaspoon ground cardamom
1 piece of cinnamon stick, 2 inches
1 piece of cinnamon stick, 1 inch
½ teaspoon ginger, ground
1 pinch powdered saffron
4 cups chicken stock
1 ½ teaspoons salt


Begin by assembling all the required ingredients.

In a large skillet, heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Lightly fry the halved potatoes until golden brown, which typically takes between 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer the potatoes onto a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess oil, and set them aside.

In the same skillet, pour in the remaining two tablespoons of oil. Saute the onions, garlic, and fresh ginger until the onions become soft and take on a golden hue. Introduce the chopped tomatoes along with a teaspoon of salt, cumin, chili powder, black pepper, and turmeric. Stir the mixture vigorously for about 5 minutes.

Blend in the yogurt, chopped mint, ground cardamom, and the 2-inch cinnamon stick. Cover the skillet and allow to simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally. Continue cooking until the tomatoes disintegrate into a thick pulp. If the mixture appears too thick or starts sticking to the skillet, add a small amount of hot water to adjust the consistency.

Add the chicken pieces to the skillet, ensuring they are well coated with the spice mixture. Cover and let it cook on very low heat until the chicken is tender and cooked through, which should take about 35 to 45 minutes. If there is too much liquid, remove the lid and let it simmer for a few more minutes to reduce the gravy to a thick consistency.

While the chicken is cooking, prepare the rice. Thoroughly wash the rice and allow it to drain in a colander for at least 30 minutes. Heat 2 ½ tablespoons of oil in a separate large skillet. Fry the diced onion until it turns golden brown, then add the cardamom pods, cloves, the 1-inch cinnamon stick, ground ginger, and saffron. Stir the rice into this mixture until well-coated with the spices.

Chicken Biryani Recipe

Chicken Biryani Recipe

Chicken biryani is a flavorful Pakistani/Indian rice dish often enjoyed on special occasions like weddings, parties, and holidays such as Ramadan. Though it requires a lengthy preparation, the effort is well worth it. Basmati rice is the ideal choice for making biryani.
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Course: Main Course
Cuisine: Indian
Keyword: Chicken Biryani Recipe
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Servings: 6 people


  • 3 pounds boneless skinless chicken pieces, chopped
  • 4 tablespoons divided vegetable oil
  • 4 small potatoes peeled and halved
  • 2 large onions finely chopped
  • 1 large onion diced
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • 1 tablespoon fresh ginger root minced
  • 2 medium tomatoes peeled and chopped
  • 1 pound basmati rice
  • 2 ½ tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 5 cardamom pods
  • 3 whole cloves
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • ½ teaspoon chili powder
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper ground
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric ground
  • 2 tablespoons plain yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons fresh mint leaves chopped
  • ½ teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1 piece of cinnamon stick 2 inches
  • 1 piece of cinnamon stick 1 inch
  • ½ teaspoon ginger ground
  • 1 pinch powdered saffron
  • 4 cups chicken stock
  • 1 ½ teaspoons salt


  • Begin by assembling all the required ingredients.
  • In a large skillet, heat two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Lightly fry the halved potatoes until golden brown, which typically takes between 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer the potatoes onto a plate lined with paper towels to absorb excess oil, and set them aside.
  • In the same skillet, pour in the remaining two tablespoons of oil. Saute the onions, garlic, and fresh ginger until the onions become soft and take on a golden hue. Introduce the chopped tomatoes along with a teaspoon of salt, cumin, chili powder, black pepper, and turmeric. Stir the mixture vigorously for about 5 minutes.
  • Blend in the yogurt, chopped mint, ground cardamom, and the 2-inch cinnamon stick. Cover the skillet and allow to simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally. Continue cooking until the tomatoes disintegrate into a thick pulp. If the mixture appears too thick or starts sticking to the skillet, add a small amount of hot water to adjust the consistency.
  • Add the chicken pieces to the skillet, ensuring they are well coated with the spice mixture. Cover and let it cook on very low heat until the chicken is tender and cooked through, which should take about 35 to 45 minutes. If there is too much liquid, remove the lid and let it simmer for a few more minutes to reduce the gravy to a thick consistency.
  • While the chicken is cooking, prepare the rice. Thoroughly wash the rice and allow it to drain in a colander for at least 30 minutes. Heat 2 ½ tablespoons of oil in a separate large skillet. Fry the diced onion until it turns golden brown, then add the cardamom pods, cloves, the 1-inch cinnamon stick, ground ginger, and saffron. Stir the rice into this mixture until well-coated with the spices.
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