Beef and Potatoes Recipe

When the temperature drops and you crave something warm and comforting, a hearty beef and potatoes dish is the perfect answer. This classic recipe combines tender chunks of beef with the earthy goodness of potatoes, all simmered in a rich, flavorful broth. It’s a timeless meal that brings warmth and satisfaction to any dinner table.

Beef and Potatoes Recipes
Beef and Potatoes Recipes

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Ingredients List

A truly flavorful dish begins with the right ingredients. This recipe calls for a blend of fresh vegetables, quality beef, and robust seasonings to create a meal that is both nourishing and delicious.

To achieve the best results, selecting high-quality ingredients is essential. Opt for a good cut of beef chuck roast and a dry red wine that you would enjoy drinking. Fresh vegetables like carrots, celery, and onions add depth and richness to the stew, while whole grain mustard and freshly chopped parsley enhance the final presentation.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Preparing the Beef: Tips for Perfect Browning

Begin by patting the beef cubes dry with a towel to remove any excess moisture, ensuring they brown properly. Season the beef generously with freshly ground black pepper. Heat olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Brown the beef in batches to avoid overcrowding, which allows each piece to develop a nice crust. Once browned, transfer the beef to a plate and set aside.

Building the Flavor Base with Vegetables

Add a splash of beef broth to the pot to deglaze, scraping up the flavorful browned bits from the bottom. Add the chopped carrots, celery, and onion to the pot, stirring occasionally until they soften, about 5 minutes. Stir in the garlic and cook for another minute until fragrant.

Adding the Wine and Broth: Creating a Rich Sauce

Pour in the dry red wine, bringing it to a simmer and allowing it to reduce by half, about 4 minutes. This step intensifies the flavor of the sauce and helps to lift any remaining browned bits from the bottom of the pot.

Simmering to Perfection: Achieving Tender Beef

In a separate bowl, whisk the flour into the remaining beef broth until smooth. Pour this mixture into the pot, along with the sugar, and stir to combine. Return the browned beef to the pot, bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cover and cook for up to 2 hours, or until the beef is tender and can be easily pierced with a fork.

Finishing Touches: Potatoes and Mustard

During the last 20 minutes of cooking, add the baby potatoes and whole grain mustard. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper as needed. Serve the stew warm, garnished with freshly chopped parsley if desired.

Recipe Tips & Frequently Asked Questions

Ensuring Tender Beef Every Time

  • Choose a well-marbled cut of beef chuck for optimal tenderness.
  • Allow the beef to cook slowly on a low simmer to break down the connective tissues.

How to Properly Brown Meat for Maximum Flavor

  • Pat the beef dry and avoid overcrowding the pot to ensure a good sear.
  • Use a heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven to maintain even heat.

Balancing Seasonings for a Rich, Savory Stew

  • Taste the stew periodically and adjust the seasoning as needed.
  • Adding a bit of sugar can balance the acidity of the wine and tomatoes.

Adjustments for Personal Taste Preferences

  • Feel free to add other root vegetables like parsnips or turnips.
  • Use different types of mustard or add a splash of vinegar for a tangy twist.

Common Questions About Cooking Times and Temperatures

  • Cooking the stew on a low simmer for 2 hours ensures the beef becomes tender.
  • If the stew thickens too much, add a bit more broth or water to reach the desired consistency.

Substitutions and Alternatives for Ingredients

  • Substitute beef chuck with pork shoulder or lamb for a different flavor profile.
  • Use chicken or vegetable broth if beef broth is unavailable.

Storing and Reheating Leftovers: Best Practices

  • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
  • Reheat gently on the stovetop or in the microwave, adding a splash of broth if needed to loosen the stew.

What to Serve With This Recipe

Ideal Side Dishes to Complement Beef and Potatoes

  • Serve the stew over fluffy rice or alongside creamy mashed potatoes.
  • A crusty piece of rustic bread is perfect for soaking up the rich broth.

Suggested Pairings: From Rice to Rustic Bread

  • Pair with a simple green salad or roasted vegetables for a complete meal.
  • Garlic bread or dinner rolls make excellent accompaniments.

Beverage Pairings: Wines and Other Drinks

  • A robust red wine like Cabernet Sauvignon or Merlot complements the rich flavors.
  • For a non-alcoholic option, try a sparkling water with a splash of cranberry juice.

Garnishing and Presentation

Adding the Finishing Touch: Fresh Parsley and More

  • Garnish with freshly chopped parsley for a burst of color and freshness.
  • Sprinkle a bit of grated Parmesan cheese on top for added richness.

Serving Suggestions for a Beautiful Presentation

  • Serve the stew in a wide, shallow bowl to showcase the vibrant colors.
  • Arrange the beef and vegetables attractively, with a sprinkle of parsley.

Tips for Making the Dish Look as Good as It Tastes

  • Use a ladle to portion the stew neatly into bowls.
  • Wipe the rim of the bowl clean before serving for a professional touch.

This beef and potatoes recipe is a delightful, hearty dish that brings comfort and satisfaction with every bite. It’s perfect for cozy evenings and family gatherings, offering rich flavors and a warm, inviting aroma. Experiment with the ingredients and enjoy the process of making this classic dish your own. Happy cooking!

Beef and Potatoes Recipes
Beef and Potatoes Recipes


2 TB olive oil
2.5 lbs beef chuck roast, partially trimmed and cut into 1-inch cubes
Freshly ground black pepper
3 stalks celery, cut into 1-inch pieces
4 large carrots, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
1 large onion, roughly chopped
8 garlic cloves, roughly chopped
1 ½ cups dry red wine (choose a quality wine you’d enjoy drinking)
2 TB flour
4 cups high-quality beef broth or stock
1 TB sugar
12 oz baby potatoes, peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
2 TB whole grain mustard
Freshly chopped parsley for garnish


  1. Pat the beef cubes dry with a towel to remove excess moisture, then generously season them with freshly ground black pepper. Heat the olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Brown the beef in batches, ensuring not to overcrowd the pot to achieve a proper sear on all sides. Once browned, transfer the beef to a plate.
  2. Add a splash of beef broth to the pot, scraping up the browned bits from the bottom. Add the chopped carrots, celery, and onion, stirring occasionally until they soften, about 5 minutes. Stir in the garlic and cook for another minute until fragrant. Pour in the red wine, bringing it to a simmer and allowing it to reduce by half, about 4 minutes, while scraping up any remaining brown bits from the bottom.
  3. In a separate bowl, whisk the flour into the remaining beef broth until smooth. Pour this mixture into the pot, along with the sugar. Return the browned beef to the pot, bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cover and cook for up to 2 hours, or until the beef is tender and can be easily pierced with a fork.
  4. During the last 20 minutes of cooking, add the baby potatoes and whole grain mustard. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper as needed. Serve the stew warm, garnished with freshly chopped parsley if desired. This dish pairs wonderfully with rice or rustic bread, and the leftovers are equally delightful.
Beef and Potatoes Recipes

Beef and Potatoes Recipe

This One-Pot Beef Stew with potatoes is a comforting and delicious meal that requires just one pot. Perfect for any day of the week, it's both healthy and satisfying.
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Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Beef and Potatoes Recipes
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 2 hours
Total Time: 2 hours 20 minutes
Servings: 8 servings


  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 2.5 lbs beef chuck roast partially trimmed and cut into 1-inch cubes
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 3 stalks celery cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 4 large carrots peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 1 large onion roughly chopped
  • 8 garlic cloves roughly chopped
  • 1 ½ cups dry red wine choose a quality wine you’d enjoy drinking
  • 2 TB flour
  • 4 cups high-quality beef broth or stock
  • 1 TB sugar
  • 12 oz baby potatoes peeled and cut into 1-inch pieces
  • 2 TB whole grain mustard
  • Freshly chopped parsley for garnish


  • Pat the beef cubes dry with a towel to remove excess moisture, then generously season them with freshly ground black pepper. Heat the olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Brown the beef in batches, ensuring not to overcrowd the pot to achieve a proper sear on all sides. Once browned, transfer the beef to a plate.
  • Add a splash of beef broth to the pot, scraping up the browned bits from the bottom. Add the chopped carrots, celery, and onion, stirring occasionally until they soften, about 5 minutes. Stir in the garlic and cook for another minute until fragrant. Pour in the red wine, bringing it to a simmer and allowing it to reduce by half, about 4 minutes, while scraping up any remaining brown bits from the bottom.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk the flour into the remaining beef broth until smooth. Pour this mixture into the pot, along with the sugar. Return the browned beef to the pot, bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cover and cook for up to 2 hours, or until the beef is tender and can be easily pierced with a fork.
  • During the last 20 minutes of cooking, add the baby potatoes and whole grain mustard. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper as needed. Serve the stew warm, garnished with freshly chopped parsley if desired. This dish pairs wonderfully with rice or rustic bread, and the leftovers are equally delightful.


For the slow cooker: Brown the beef as directed in the recipe before adding everything (except the potatoes) to the slow cooker. Set it on low for 8-10 hours, adding the potatoes during the last 2-3 hours of cooking to keep them from becoming mushy.
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