Banana Pepper Recipe

Banana peppers, with their mild heat and tangy flavor, make a delightful dish that’s both flavorful and visually appealing. This recipe transforms these vibrant peppers into a stuffed sensation, filled with a savory mixture that balances the sweetness of onions with the unique umami of Maldive fish flakes. Perfect for a family dinner or a special occasion, this dish is sure to impress.

Banana Pepper Recipe
Banana Pepper Recipe

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Importance of Each Ingredient

Banana peppers serve as the star of this dish, providing a vessel that holds the flavorful stuffing. Finely chopped onions add a sweet and aromatic base, while Maldive fish flakes bring a distinct umami depth. Sri Lankan roasted curry powder adds a layer of complexity with its blend of spices, and lime juice offers a bright acidity. A touch of salt enhances all the flavors, and a sprinkle of pepper adds a gentle heat. The oil is essential for browning the peppers to perfection.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Preparing the Banana Peppers
Start by washing the banana peppers thoroughly. Wearing gloves, make a lengthwise slit in each pepper and carefully remove the seeds. This preparation ensures the peppers are ready to be stuffed. If the peppers are particularly fresh and brittle, blanch them in hot water for a few seconds to soften them, making them easier to handle.

Mixing the Stuffing
In a bowl, combine the finely chopped onions, Maldive fish flakes, roasted curry powder, salt, and lime juice. Using your hands, mix these ingredients well, gently crushing the onions to release their juices and enhance the flavor integration. This mixture should be prepared just before stuffing the peppers to maintain its freshness.

Stuffing the Peppers
With the stuffing ready, carefully fill each banana pepper with the onion and fish mixture. Using your hands, gently pack the stuffing into the peppers, ensuring they are well-filled but not overstuffed. Remember to wear gloves during this process to protect your hands from the peppers’ oils.

Cooking the Stuffed Peppers
Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in a large pan over medium heat. Place the stuffed banana peppers in the pan, making sure they do not touch each other. Sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper over the top of the peppers. Allow the peppers to brown on one side, then gently turn them to brown the other side. This cooking method ensures an even, deliciously caramelized exterior.

Recipe Tips & Frequently Asked Questions

Handling Banana Peppers Safely
Always wear gloves when handling banana peppers to avoid irritation from their oils.

Blanching Tips for Fresh Peppers
If your peppers are too fresh and break easily, a quick blanch in hot water will soften them, making them easier to stuff.

Maximizing Flavor in the Stuffing
Gently crushing the onions as you mix the stuffing releases their juices, enhancing the overall flavor of the dish.

Avoiding Common Mistakes
Do not overstuff the peppers, as this can cause them to burst during cooking. Also, prepare the stuffing just before use to keep it fresh.

Can I Use a Different Type of Fish?
Yes, you can substitute Maldive fish flakes with dried shrimp or anchovies for a different flavor profile.

How Do I Store Leftovers?
Store any leftover stuffed peppers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat gently before serving.

Can I Make This Recipe Ahead of Time?
You can prepare the stuffing and peppers ahead of time, but it’s best to stuff and cook them just before serving to maintain their texture.

What Variations Can I Try?
Experiment with different fillings, such as a vegetarian version with chickpeas or a spicy version with added chili flakes.

What to Serve With This Recipe

Perfect Side Dishes
Serve these stuffed banana peppers with a side of steamed rice or a fresh green salad to complement their flavors.

Beverage Pairings
A crisp white wine or a refreshing iced tea pairs wonderfully with the mild heat and savory notes of this dish.

Complementary Sauces and Dips
Accompany the stuffed peppers with a tangy yogurt dip or a sweet chili sauce to enhance their flavor.

Variations and Substitutions

Vegetarian Option
For a vegetarian twist, substitute the Maldive fish flakes with crumbled feta cheese or cooked quinoa.

Spicy vs. Mild Version
Adjust the level of heat by choosing hotter peppers or adding a pinch of cayenne pepper to the stuffing.

Different Regional Twists
Incorporate different regional flavors by adding ingredients like Italian herbs, Mexican spices, or Indian chutneys to the stuffing.

This banana pepper recipe offers a delightful blend of flavors and textures, making it a standout dish for any occasion. Whether you’re serving it as a main course or a side dish, these stuffed peppers are sure to be a hit. Don’t hesitate to try this recipe and enjoy the unique taste of stuffed banana peppers.

Banana Pepper Recipe
Banana Pepper Recipe


12 small-medium banana peppers
2 cups finely chopped onions
1/4 cup Maldive fish flakes
1 tsp Sri Lankan roasted curry powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp lime juice
2 tsp oil
Some salt and pepper to sprinkle


  1. Wash and slit each banana pepper lengthwise, removing the seeds. Wearing gloves is highly recommended when handling banana peppers. If the peppers are particularly fresh and prone to breaking, blanch them in hot water for a few seconds to soften.
  2. Combine finely chopped onions, Maldive fish flakes, roasted curry powder, salt, and lime juice in a bowl. Mix thoroughly using your hands, gently crushing the onions between your fingers as you go. Prepare this mixture just before you are ready to stuff the peppers and cook them to ensure freshness.
  3. Stuff each banana pepper with the onion and fish mixture, using your hands to pack it in. Remember to wear gloves for this step.
  4. Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in a large pan over medium heat. Arrange the stuffed banana peppers in the pan, ensuring they do not touch. Sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper over the top. Allow the peppers to brown on one side before turning them to brown on the other side as well.
Banana Pepper Recipe

Banana Pepper Recipe

This grilled stuffed banana peppers recipe is one of my absolute favorites. It's incredibly simple to prepare and requires minimal cooking, yet it remains delightfully delicious. Perfect for any party or gathering, these stuffed peppers are sure to impress.
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Course: Appetizer, Main Course, Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Banana Pepper Recipe
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 6 minutes
Total Time: 21 minutes
Servings: 6 people


  • 12 small-medium banana peppers
  • 2 cups finely chopped onions
  • 1/4 cup Maldive fish flakes
  • 1 tsp Sri Lankan roasted curry powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp lime juice
  • 2 tsp oil
  • Some salt and pepper to sprinkle


  • Wash and slit each banana pepper lengthwise, removing the seeds. Wearing gloves is highly recommended when handling banana peppers. If the peppers are particularly fresh and prone to breaking, blanch them in hot water for a few seconds to soften.
  • Combine finely chopped onions, Maldive fish flakes, roasted curry powder, salt, and lime juice in a bowl. Mix thoroughly using your hands, gently crushing the onions between your fingers as you go. Prepare this mixture just before you are ready to stuff the peppers and cook them to ensure freshness.
  • Stuff each banana pepper with the onion and fish mixture, using your hands to pack it in. Remember to wear gloves for this step.
  • Heat 2 teaspoons of oil in a large pan over medium heat. Arrange the stuffed banana peppers in the pan, ensuring they do not touch. Sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper over the top. Allow the peppers to brown on one side before turning them to brown on the other side as well.
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